China Water permeable running track Manufacturer and Supplier | INOV

Water permeable running track

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Water-permeable Running track has excellent water permeability, moderate hardness and elasticity, stable physical properties, and excellent applicability in high humidity environment, which is beneficial to athletes’ speed and technology, effectively improving their sports performance and reducing fall rate. The price of this type of venue is the lowest, and the service life is generally 5-6 years.

Detalls del producte

Etiquetes del producte

pista d'atletisme permeable a l'aigua


Water-permeable Running track has excellent water permeability, moderate hardness and elasticity, stable physical properties, and excellent applicability in high humidity environment, which is beneficial to athletes' speed and technology, effectively improving their sports performance and reducing fall rate. The price of this type of venue is the lowest, and the service life is generally 5-6 years.


Water-permeable running track


El primer lligant
capa de base 10mm SBR rubber granules + PU binder
capa superficial 3mm grànuls de cautxú EPDM + PU aglutinant + pasta de pigment + pols de cautxú

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